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Q. Will the use of compatible cartridges void my printer warranty?
A: Absolutely no!

It?s important to note that it?s illegal for a laser printer manufacturer to require you to use or purchase a particular brand of cartridge, just as it?s illegal for a car dealer to require that only original parts to be used to fix your car. An OEM can not void your warranty simply because you choose different brand of supplies for a piece of equipment like a printer.

In a media interview in early February 2003, HP Senior VP of Printer Supplies Mr. Pradeep Jotwani made HPs views, while commenting on the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DCMA) used by Lexmark to lock out supplies market, stated the following:

  • HP would not be following down the path of using chips as a lockout device.

  • There should be a place( in the market) for those companies that sell remanufactured cartridges and kits for ink jets.

  • Customer choice governs the buying decision between new OEM or remanufactured cartridges.

  • HP consciously makes sure that its cartridges can be reused.

For more details on the above, please refer to the advertisement of M/s. Static control Components Inc., USA appearing regularly in the form of an "open letter to the industry from Ed Swartz, CEO of Static Control Components Inc., USA". The advertisement regularly appears in "Recharger magazine" USA.

Q. My vendor suggests that he can refill a cartridge 2 to 3 times and then probably go for a new or recycled cartridge. Is is true?
A: No it's not true! Any component in a OEM cartridge is rated for single use. Reusing the critical components would either mean that you would have mid cycle failure, or a faulty cleaning blade might lead to powder spillage in the printer leading to fuser unit damage. The opc drum might develop dots which might show on the printout, and subsequently you would change the cartridge mid way. Here you loose money on refilling and get poor prints with which you have to compromise. Compatible cartridges give same output as an OEM. Refilled cartridges give only almost 35% output when compared to OEM or new compatible cartridges.

Q. Can I really save money by using compatible laser toner cartridges?
A: Yes. As much as 40 to 50 percent, depending on the quantity of cartridges your company uses, your savings can amount to thousands of Rupees each year.

Q. Are compatible laser toner cartridges inferior to new ones?
A: No. there should be no difference in the print quality or page yield of a compatible laser toner cartridge.

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